S4E2 | Why We Keep Checking Our Phones and Checking Out

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

October 19th, 2022| Duration: 29:03


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One time Jesus told a story (Luke 18:1-8) about a persistent woman who wore down an unjust judge. Jesus told his followers this story so that they would pray always and not lose heart. The disciples likely needed to hear that inspirational message then and how we need to hear it today. Because it is so easy to lose heart. And it can be so hard to pray.

This episode explores the subject of prayer and losing heart and what can be a barrier: our tendency to be drawn into our smartphones, in pursuit of an interruption for something - anything - to happen. Author Jeff Vogel calls this tendency to create an occurrence in our lives a “manufactured disruption.” Pastor John talks about how this tendency is a problem that affects us all and has implications for faith particularly when it comes to prayer and our desire - and need - for the Divine Disruptions.

Speaker: John Hilley

Musical Guest: Brian Cooney.