S3E5 | What Do We Tell Our Children?

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

May 18th, 2022 | Duration: 26:37


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I think we can all agree parenting is getting harder all the time. Children are experiencing things we never imagined. How do we guide them? If you were going to share advice with your kids or grandkids or a younger person who trusts and looks up to you, what would you say?

The Book of Deuteronomy (6:20-25) says: “When your children ask you why do you live the way you do, you are to tell them what matters to you.”

Join John Hilley as he explores the assumption in this text and in life that if a child is going to become a grown up in this confusing world and lead a mature life, the child needs teachers and mentors. Just as we all do, no matter our age.

Nate Strasser provides the music (“Red Sea Road”).