S1E14 | Tracing a Letter “J” with Our Lives While Living in a “K” Shaped World

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

August 25th, 2021| Duration: 18:44


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Have you ever considered how you - your behaviors, choices, and actions - are part of God’s redemptive activity in this world? This episode is the final in a series of reflections on Jesus’ saying “I am the bread of life” (John 6) and in this episode we are looking at what it means to be the bread of life to a hungry world. Dietrich Bonhoeffer said of God’s redemptive activity that “Christ is for us” and so we who follow Christ are to be “Christ for others.” Pastor John provides an eight minute overview of a longer talk of what he means by tracing the letter J (yep, “J” is for Jesus but also the ancient word “Jubilee”) in a world the Wall Street Journal says is underway with a “K Shaped Recovery” in which a few of us lucky ones are doing well while many more are on the downward economic slope of the K. 

Often it feels like we are powerless to change much in our world, but we can influence what is around us when God is at work through us.

This episode is inspired by an illuminating podcast by Christian entrepreneurs Andy Crouch and Dave Blanchard in their Redemptive Edge podcast. So we hope you will enjoy our brief episode featuring Nate Strasser’s music and then be sure to listen to the Redemptive Edge podcast.