S1E9 | The Stewardship of Rest

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

July 21st, 2021| Duration: 25:02


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Jesus shows his weary disciples that he gets it: “Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.” (Mark 6:30-56) Are there any words in all of Scripture more welcome to tired followers?

Jesus gives us permission to take care of ourselves. Is this invitation to rest an invitation to laziness? Or is it a form of resistance? Rest is a gift from God that helps prepare and launch us into who and whose we are called to be...not a tool to use in a battle against what is. We invite you to take a collective breath and acknowledge that while rest is not something we are called to live in forever - if done in God's presence and grace, rest is an important gift that can offer us renewed strength and readiness for the mission and life we are called to live!