S2E17 | Life at the Intersection of Blessings (and Woes)

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

February 16th, 2022 | Duration: 33:44


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Life at the Intersection of Blessings (and Woes)

The Beatitudes are the cornerstone of Jesus’ teachings. Beatitudes means “blessed.” But what Jesus has in mind is not what most of us have in mind when we think blessed.

In this episode, Pastor John looks at Luke’s version of the beatitudes, where Jesus proclaims blessings and woes. We claim God’s blessings. Yet, we cannot avoid the woes, those places and things we’d like to ignore or imagine don’t exist. Likely, we have found ourselves stretched between both categories and living in them both simultaneously. In a time when we sort, categorize and dismiss, Pastor John shares that Jesus cares less about sorting us out than welcoming us to live in the tension of all of these experiences of fullness and emptiness, laughter and pain and urges us not to fear being cancelled, only to make room for God’s love.

Musically, Nate Strasser will bring us a beautiful musical setting of the Beatitudes written in 1985 by David Haus.