Children’s Ministry

Join us as we seek to become creative thinkers & doers of Christ.

EBPC Children’s Ministry offers many opportunities for children of all ages to grow in the love of Christ! Whether children are serving others through our partnership with Glenview Elementary School, participating in our Faith Formation classes (described below), engaging in or leading our worship services as greeters, acolytes, or water bearers, children are a vital part of our church family!

The Children’s Ministry of East Brentwood Presbyterian Church nurtures families by providing a compassionate and accepting environment so that children explore and develop a sense of wonder as they grow into creative thinkers and doers of Christ. 

Photo by John Philbrick

Our Core Values:

  • We nurture a child’s innate desire to love as God loves by providing opportunities to show empathy by serving the world around them.

  • We reflect God’s love by embracing and welcoming all children, teaching them to do the same.

  • We create an environment that ignites a child’s desire to seek answers, challenge truths and find meaning in God’s words with an open mind and heart.

  • We provide opportunities for children to develop a sense of wonder as they learn about the love of Christ through engaging curriculum, service projects, leadership roles and creative activities.

Jesus said,

“Let the little children come to me.

Don’t stop them, because the kingdom of heaven belongs to people who are like these children.”

— Matthew 19:14


Photo by John Philbrick

Time With Children

During the worship service, children and youth are invited to gather at the front of the sanctuary to hear and actively participate in a message based on the day’s scripture in a fun and engaging way.

sunday school

Our early elementary children begin the worship experience in the sanctuary with their parents.

After our Time with Children, children in grades K-2 have the opportunity to explore God’s wondrous creation in our Children’s Worship classrooms using the Godly Play curriculum. This hands-on exploratory approach begins with a Bible Story told through words and pictures or depicted through small wooden figures.

Children are then given the opportunity to process, explore, and express their understanding of scripture through stations of their choice including art, puzzles, puppets, or quiet reading.

Sunday School also incorporates crafts, science experiments, and other hands-on learning experiences.