S5E26 | A Good Casserole Can Go a Long Way  

Music, Word, Hope & Prayer Podcast

September 13, 2023 | Duration: 29:31


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A Good Casserole Can Go a Long Way  

Can the Church be a “safe space?” From the looks and sounds of it, the church can come across as more anti- than pro- (…anti-women, anti-science, anti-LGBTQIA+) and more judgmental and more hypocritical. Yep, we can be judgemental and hypocritical because the church is made up of individuals who are imperfect. But that is not all we all the church is. We can be places of welcome and open doors and we can show up at doors when there is a crisis, armed with a casserole. In this episode Pastor John Hilley talks about trends, headwinds we are facing and longings. He shares a story he heard from Roger Nishioka about what happened when a church showed up with casseroles. Yep, we can be judgmental, but the church can be a safe space  – a place of relationships, a place that heals and not traumatizes.  We haven’t given up hope.

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